We are proud to be unplugged! At Redstone Children's Academy, all of our classrooms are technology-free. As new research develops, it is increasingly clear that excessive screen-time negatively affects a child's developing brain. Based on the American Academy of Pediatrics, the Infant/Toddler Environment Rating Scale (ITERS-R), and the Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale (ECERS-3), media screen time should be avoided for infants and children under the age of two and limited to thirty minutes or less per week for children two years of age and older. With this in mind, we have chosen to give parents back their right to choose how and when their children interact with technology.

Benefits of a Tech-Free Classroom
1. Hands-On Learning
iPads and TVs are typically viewed as a tool for learning reading and math skills. But, as children manipulate real objects, they are able to process new information in real-time. The physical act of sorting and counting or flipping the pages of a book helps children to develop fine-motor skills and apply new ideas to real-life situations.
2. Socialization
When children spend an excessive amount of time interacting with technology instead of other children, habits of isolation can begin to form. Even when sitting next to other children, focusing on a screen takes away from time spent building relationships and social skills. Without the constant interruptions of technology, children are encouraged and naturally inclined to engage in conversations and interactions with other children, their teachers, and their parents.
3. Imaginative Play
Before the rise of technology, children read books at school, ate dinner with their families, and spent their weekends and summers with other children exploring the outdoors. By limiting the amount of time spent watching tv, scrolling on a phone, and playing video games, we encourage children to embrace boredom and grow their imaginations!
4. Limited Stimulation
Videos and games move at a faster pace than the world around them, which can cause a child to be over-simulated quickly. Research shows that too much stimulation can cause a child's brain to be in a state of chronic stress, resulting in possible behavioral and developmental issues. By removing technology from their school day, we hope to maintain their attention and stimulate their brains with counting games, books, and other learning opportunities.

“The earlier we introduce screens the more it affects the child’s brain development and the more likely they will have trouble managing their addiction to screens and technology later in life.”
Dr. Laura Markham, Author and Founding Editor of ahaparenting.com
“We may have to exercise discipline to use the controls we have but we are not slaves to these devices unless we allow ourselves to become so. To me, the trick is to put yourself in charge of your screens instead of allowing your screens to be in charge of you.”
Dr. Edward Hallowell, MD, Child and Adult Psychiatrist, NY Times Best-Selling Author and Leading Authority in ADHD
“It’s not just about limiting screen time; it’s about teaching kids to develop good habits in real life As well as managing their screen time.”
Cynthia Crossley, Co-Founder of Habyts